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CAP Trade-offs in Distributed Systems: Setting Up, Simulating, and Demonstrating

Understanding and observing the CAP theorem in action provides valuable insights into the trade-offs distributed systems must make between Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. In this exercise, we’ll set up a distributed key-value store, simulate network partitions, and observe the behavior of the system under different configurations.

1. Setting Up a Distributed Key-Value Store

Choosing the Tool

We use Etcd, a distributed key-value store, because of its strong consistency guarantees and ease of setup. It helps demonstrate how systems handle CAP trade-offs.

Install and Configure Etcd

Step 1: Download Etcd

  1. Visit the Etcd GitHub Releases page and download the latest release for your operating system.
  2. Extract the binary:

    tar -xvf etcd-v*.tar.gz
    cd etcd-v*
    sudo mv etcd etcdctl /usr/local/bin/

Step 2: Start a Multi-Node Etcd Cluster

  1. Start the first node:

    etcd --name node1 \
         --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://localhost:2380 \
         --listen-peer-urls http://localhost:2380 \
         --listen-client-urls http://localhost:2379, \
         --advertise-client-urls http://localhost:2379 \
         --initial-cluster node1=http://localhost:2380
  2. Start a second node:

    etcd --name node2 \
         --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<NODE2_IP>:2380 \
         --listen-peer-urls http://<NODE2_IP>:2380 \
         --listen-client-urls http://<NODE2_IP>:2379 \
         --advertise-client-urls http://<NODE2_IP>:2379 \
         --initial-cluster node1=http://localhost:2380,node2=http://<NODE2_IP>:2380
  3. Verify the cluster:

    etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 endpoint status

2. Simulating a Network Partition

A network partition occurs when communication between cluster nodes is disrupted. We’ll simulate this using firewall rules.

Step 1: Simulate Partition

On the machine hosting node1, run:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s <NODE2_IP> -j DROP
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d <NODE2_IP> -j DROP

Step 2: Verify Partition

Try writing to the cluster:

etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 put key1 "value1"

Then read the value on the second node:

etcdctl --endpoints=http://<NODE2_IP>:2379 get key1

3. Observing Behavior

Consistency Configuration

If Consistency is prioritized:

Availability Configuration

If Availability is prioritized:

4. Working Demonstration

Consistency Priority

  1. Ensure strong consistency by configuring --election-timeout and --heartbeat-interval parameters in Etcd.
  2. Write a key-value pair during a partition:

    etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 put key1 "value1"
  3. Try reading from a partitioned node:

    etcdctl --endpoints=http://<NODE2_IP>:2379 get key1
    • The read will fail until the partition is resolved.

Availability Priority

  1. Configure Etcd to allow writes during a partition by reducing quorum requirements (not recommended for production).
  2. Write a key-value pair:

    etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 put key1 "value1"
  3. Try reading from the second node:
    • The key may be unavailable or return stale data until reconciliation occurs.

5. Resolving the Partition

Restore communication between nodes:

sudo iptables -D INPUT -s <NODE2_IP> -j DROP
sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -d <NODE2_IP> -j DROP

Observe that:

6. Visualizing CAP Behavior

Diagram: Consistency vs Availability

graph TD
    A[Network Partition Occurs]
    A --> B{Consistency First?}
    B -- Yes --> C[Reject writes]
    B -- No --> D[Accept writes]
    C --> E[Data remains consistent]
    D --> F[Temporary inconsistency]
    F --> G[Reconcile after partition resolved]
    E --> G

7. Practical Use Case Insights

Code: Observing CAP in Action

Write a Test Script

This Python script tests consistency and availability during a partition:

import subprocess
import time
import etcd3

etcd = etcd3.client()

def write_key(key, value):
        etcd.put(key, value)
        print(f"Write success: {key} -> {value}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Write failed: {e}")

def read_key(key):
        value, _ = etcd.get(key)
        print(f"Read success: {key} -> {value.decode() if value else 'None'}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Read failed: {e}")

# Write during normal operation
write_key("test_key", "value1")

# Simulate partition["sudo", "iptables", "-A", "INPUT", "-s", "NODE2_IP", "-j", "DROP"])["sudo", "iptables", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-d", "NODE2_IP", "-j", "DROP"])

# Attempt to write and read during partition
write_key("test_key", "value2")

# Resolve partition["sudo", "iptables", "-D", "INPUT", "-s", "NODE2_IP", "-j", "DROP"])["sudo", "iptables", "-D", "OUTPUT", "-d", "NODE2_IP", "-j", "DROP"])

# Verify consistency

8. Key Observations

  1. Trade-offs are unavoidable: You cannot achieve all three CAP properties simultaneously during a partition.
  2. Practical configurations: Systems like Etcd favor consistency, while others like DynamoDB prioritize availability.
  3. Monitoring and tuning: Always monitor performance and adjust configurations based on your application’s needs.

This hands-on exercise deepens your understanding of CAP trade-offs and equips you with tools to make informed architectural decisions.